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Wagner College Chai Society

Community Mitzvah Awards Dinner

The Chai Society at Wagner College is dedicated to strengthening the ties between the College and the Jewish community. Through its support for academic studies, the Holocaust Center and co-curricular activities, the Chai Society promotes the knowledge and understanding of the richness of the Jewish experience.

Please join the Chai Society at its annual Community Mitzvah Dinner to celebrate the 2023  honorees: Brian Laline and the Staten Island Advance, Consolee Nishimwe, Rebbetzen Bonita Nathan Sussman, Honorable Debi Rose, and Emily Wesoky '23.  Proceeds to benefit the Wagner College Chai Society.

Thank you to our 2022-2023 Chai Society Steering Committee Members:

Fern Zagor, Chair              Stephen R. Greenwald           Dr. Ram Roth

Kimberly Avis                   Rabbi Michael Howald           Scott D. Salmon, Esq.

Dr. Victor P. Avis              Marcia Klein                         Nancy Tricorico

Jay S. Duskin, Esq.           Michelle Lee                        Lori R. Weintrob    

Bethany Friedman '21       Orit Lender                          Miles P. Wilkie '21

Deyja Gentile '19              Laura Morowitz





  1. Step 1 Selection
  2. Step 2 Registration
Wednesday May 24
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Chai Society at Wagner College is dedicated to strengthening the ties between the College and the Jewish community. Through its support for academic studies, the Holocaust Center and co-curricular activities, the Chai Society promotes the knowledge and understanding of the richness of the Jewish experience. Please join the Chai Society at its annual Chai Mitzvah Dinner to celebrate the 2023 honorees: Brian Laline M'72 & the Staten Island Advance, Consolee Nishimwe, Honorable Debi Rose, Rebbetzen Bonita Nathan Sussman and Emily Wesoky '23. Proceeds to benefit the Wagner College Chai Society.
Not Available
Registrations for this event are not available at this time. Please try again later.
Wednesday May 24
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Showcase your support for the 2023 award recipients, and the Wagner College Chai Society and Holocaust Center by purchasing ad space within our journal. Various space options are available. All journal ad artwork must be sent via email to Rose Elsaadany at in a high-resolution (300 dpi), camera-ready .PDF formatted file by Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Annual Chai Society Mitzvah Awards Dinner - Journal advertisements. Proceeds to benefit the Wagner College Chai Society.
The charitable portion of this option is $1,500, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes the back cover of the event program, as well as a full-page digital journal ad with a ninety-second screen time.
The charitable portion of this option is $1,000, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes the inside back page of the event program, as well as a full-page digital journal ad with a ninety-second screen time.
The charitable portion of this option is $1,000, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes the inside front cover of the event program, as well as a full-page digital journal ad with a ninety-second screen time.
The charitable portion of this option is $500, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes a full-page digital journal ad with a ninety-second screen time.
The charitable portion of this option is $250, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes a full-page digital journal ad with a one-minute screen time.
The charitable portion of this option is $100, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes a full-page digital journal ad with a thirty-second screen time.
The charitable portion of this option is $80, designated to support the Wagner College Chai Society, and includes a digital journal listing with a fifteen-second screen time. Please note this option is available for past Mitzvah honorees only.
Please consider an additional donation to the Wagner College Chai Society. $  
Event registration summary
Chai Society Mitzvah Awards Dinner 2023:
Single Ticket
Chai Society Mitzvah Awards E-Journal 2023:
Program/Digital Journal Back Cover
Program/Digital Journal Back Cover Inside
Program/Digital Journal Front Cover Inside
Gold Full Screen
Silver Full Screen
Full Screen
Past Mitzvah Honoree Screen Listing

Wagner College

Wagner College | Holocaust Center
One Campus Road-Reynolds House
Staten Island, NY 10301
Email: | Phone: (718) 390-3224